HDL’s 2023 Resolution Ideas

Exercising more, learning a new hobby, and eating better are all common resolutions people try to stick to. Truck drivers are no different, but our lifestyle on the road makes finding resolutions, let alone sticking to them that much harder. 1. Drink lots of water....

Buckle Up: Seat Belts Save Lives

Truck drivers make up an important part of the American economy, but their role in the logistics necessary to trade and industry at large can be invisible to a lot of people. What’s not invisible, though, is the sheer number of large trucks on the road, from...

Truck Driving Ergonomics

One of the top five reasons a person will see a doctor these days is due to back pain or related ergonomic issues. Truck and other drivers run an exceptionally high risk of suffering back, neck, and shoulder pain. They also may experience leg, foot, and hand cramps....

CDL Pre-Trip Inspection Guide

As a truck driver, performing a CDL pre-trip inspection is one of the most common and repeated tasks you will complete, given the necessity to do one at the start of each day, every 24 hours, any time you pick up a new trailer and after all 10-hour breaks. Pre-trip...

Backing Up a Semi-Trailer

Backing up a semi-trailer is one of the most difficult skills to learn as a truck driver and an even harder one to master. It’s a weakness for many new drivers straight out of school and even some more experienced ones. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Here are 6...

Tasty and Healthy Meals for Truck Drivers

Trucking comes with massive challenges that force you to change your lifestyle, from your sleep schedule to your nutrition. With crunching deadlines and expectations from both the company and yourself to always turn in peak performance, the last thing on your mind...