Backing Up a Semi-Trailer

Backing up a semi-trailer is one of the most difficult skills to learn as a truck driver and an even harder one to master. It’s a weakness for many new drivers straight out of school and even some more experienced ones. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Here are 6...

Tasty and Healthy Meals for Truck Drivers

Trucking comes with massive challenges that force you to change your lifestyle, from your sleep schedule to your nutrition. With crunching deadlines and expectations from both the company and yourself to always turn in peak performance, the last thing on your mind...

Staying out of a Truck’s Blind Spots

Though many assume truck drivers have a better view of the road because they are higher off the ground and have larger mirrors, trucks actually have bigger blind spots. Staying in a truck’s blind spot means that the truck driver cannot see you or your car, posing a...

Protecting your tires in hot weather

During the summer, hot weather can make truck driving more challenging. Keeping the A/C running and having cold water on hand can make things more comfortable in the cab, but the heat can still take a toll on your equipment. The tires, engine, and belts can all suffer...

Summer Driving Safety Tips

The summer months can be a stressful time for truck drivers. Busy roads, hot temperatures and abundant sun can create a few safety hazards for drivers when they hit the road. Fortunately, our summer driving safety tips for truck drivers will help deal with these...